Multi-Threaded Synchronization

Usage scenarios

  • A system needs to communicate with an Engine running in a separate thread.

  • Multiple Engines running in separate threads need to coordinate/synchronize with each other.

Key concepts

  • An MPSC channel (or any other appropriate synchronization primitive) is used to send/receive messages to/from an Engine running in a separate thread.

  • An API is registered with the Engine that is essentially blocking until synchronization is achieved.


use rhai::{Engine};

fn main() {
    // Channel: Script -> Master
    let (tx_script, rx_master) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
    // Channel: Master -> Script
    let (tx_master, rx_script) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();

    // Spawn thread with Engine
    std::thread::spawn(move || {
        // Create Engine
        let mut engine = Engine::new();

        // Register API
        // Notice that the API functions are blocking
        engine.register_fn("get", move || rx_script.recv().unwrap())
              .register_fn("put", move |v: i64| tx_script.send(v).unwrap());

        // Run script
            print("Starting script loop...");

            loop {
                // The following call blocks until there is data
                // in the channel
                let x = get();
                print(`Script Read: ${x}`);

                x += 1;

                print(`Script Write: ${x}`);

                // The following call blocks until the data
                // is successfully sent to the channel

    // This is the main processing thread

    println!("Starting main loop...");

    let mut value = 0_i64;

    while value < 10 {
        println!("Value: {value}");
        // Send value to script
        // Receive value from script
        value = rx_master.recv().unwrap();

Considerations for sync

std::mpsc::Sender and std::mpsc::Receiver are not Sync, therefore they cannot be used in registered functions if the sync feature is enabled.

In that situation, it is possible to wrap the Sender and Receiver each in a Mutex or RwLock, which makes them Sync.

This, however, incurs the additional overhead of locking and unlocking the Mutex or RwLock during every function call, which is technically not necessary because there are no other references to them.


The example above highlights the fact that Rhai scripts can call any Rust function, including ones that are blocking.

However, Rhai is essentially a blocking, single-threaded engine. Therefore it does not provide an async API.

That means, although it is simple to use Rhai within a multi-threading environment where blocking a thread is acceptable or even expected, it is currently not possible to call async functions within Rhai scripts because there is no mechanism in Engine to wrap the state of the call stack inside a future.

Fortunately an Engine is re-entrant so it can be shared among many async tasks. It is usually possible to split a script into multiple parts to avoid having to call async functions.

Creating an Engine is also relatively cheap (extremely cheap if creating a raw Engine), so it is also a valid pattern to spawn a new Engine instance for each task.