

FileModuleResolver is the default for Engine::new.

The default module resolution service, not available for no_std or WASM builds. Loads a script file (based off the current directory or a specified one) with .rhai extension.

Function Namespace

All functions in the global namespace, plus all those defined in the same module, are merged into a unified namespace.

All modules imported at global level via import statements become sub-modules, which are also available to functions defined within the same script file.

Base Directory

Tip: Default

If the base directory is not set, then relative paths are based off the directory of the loading script.

This allows scripts to simply cross-load each other.

Relative paths are resolved relative to a root directory, which is usually the base directory.

The base directory can be set via FileModuleResolver::new_with_path or FileModuleResolver::set_base_path.

Custom Scope


This Scope can conveniently hold global constants etc.

The set_scope method adds an optional Scope which will be used to optimize module scripts.


Tip: Enable/disable caching

Use enable_cache to enable/disable the cache.

By default, modules are also cached so a script file is only evaluated once, even when repeatedly imported.

Unix Shebangs

On Unix-like systems, the shebang (#!) is used at the very beginning of a script file to mark a script with an interpreter (for Rhai this would be rhai-run).

If a script file starts with #!, the entire first line is skipped. Because of this, Rhai scripts with shebangs at the beginning need no special processing.


// This is a Rhai script

let answer = 42;
print(`The answer is: ${answer}`);


│ my_module.rhai │

// This function overrides any in the main script.
private fn inner_message() { "hello! from module!" }

fn greet() {
    print(inner_message());     // call function in module script

fn greet_main() {
    print(main_message());      // call function not in module script

│ main.rhai │

// This function is overridden by the module script.
fn inner_message() { "hi! from main!" }

// This function is found by the module script.
fn main_message() { "main here!" }

import "my_module" as m;

m::greet();                     // prints "hello! from module!"

m::greet_main();                // prints "main here!"

Simulate Virtual Functions

When calling a namespace-qualified function defined within a module, other functions defined within the same module override any similar-named functions (with the same number of parameters) defined in the global namespace.

This is to ensure that a module acts as a self-contained unit and functions defined in the calling script do not override module code.

In some situations, however, it is actually beneficial to do it in reverse: have module functions call functions defined in the calling script (i.e. in the global namespace) if they exist, and only call those defined in the module if none are found.

One such situation is the need to provide a default implementation to a simulated virtual function:

│ my_module.rhai │

// Do not do this (it will override the main script):
// fn message() { "hello! from module!" }

// This function acts as the default implementation.
private fn default_message() { "hello! from module!" }

// This function depends on a 'virtual' function 'message'
// which is not defined in the module script.
fn greet() {
    if is_def_fn("message", 0) {    // 'is_def_fn' detects if 'message' is defined.
    } else {

│ main.rhai │

// The main script defines 'message' which is needed by the module script.
fn message() { "hi! from main!" }

import "my_module" as m;

m::greet();                         // prints "hi! from main!"

│ main2.rhai │

// The main script does not define 'message' which is needed by the module script.

import "my_module" as m;

m::greet();                         // prints "hello! from module!"